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The 1st PNJCCS Conference on Economic and Social Transformation in Modern China Nanjing, 11-16 October 2015

信息来源: 本站原创 发布日期: 2015-03-16 浏览次数:

       The 1st PNJCCS Conference on Economic and Social Transformation in Modern China will take place in Nanjing, October 11-16, 2015.  The conference is organized by PNJCCS (Purdue University – Nanjing Agricultural University Joint Center for China Studies.
       The conference is the first one for a series of rotating seminars designed by PNJCCS. It is an open platform for academic pursuit in the field of China studies, hence, participants are not limited to faculty members of PU and NAU, interested researchers from all over the world are warmly welcome to take part in the conference.

1.The theme of the conference
       Economic and social transformation in modern China

2.Call for contributions 
       The organizer invites colleagues working on China studies to submit papers relevant to the field, especially on China’s economic and social transformation from the traditional to modern times.

       PPT presentations are proposed to be made in English and each speaker is expected to constrain the presentation within twenty minutes.
       The papers will be organized into a proceeding and published by China Press of Agricultural Science and Technology.

3.  Conference time and place
       The conference will be held in Hanyuan Hotel, Nanjing Agricultural University from October 11-16, 2015

       Oct. 11    Conference registration
       Oct. 12    Paper presentation and discussion
       Oct. 13    Paper presentation and discussion
       Oct.14-15  An investigation tour to historical sites
       Oct. 16    Leave from the conference

4.The way of contact
       Prof. Siming WANG
       Postal add:  Institution of Chinese Agricultural Civilization, Nanjing Agricultural University, Nanjing, China 210095
       Tel:  86-25-84396605
       E-mail:  icac@njau.edu.cn
       Website:  liyang.executorbloodflow.cn

       Prof. Douglas Hurt
       Postal add: Department of History, Purdue University, West Lafayette, Indiana, United States
       Tel:  765-494-4123
       E-mail:  doughurt@purdue.edu


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